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Adore Pore Face Mask

Adore Pore Face Mask

Regular price £34.99 GBP
Regular price £60.00 GBP Sale price £34.99 GBP
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Introducing the AdorePore LED Facial Mask – Your Path to Radiant Skin!

Experience spa-quality skincare at home with our cutting-edge technology seamlessly integrated into a sleek and comfortable one-size-fits-all design. Utilise light-emitting diodes (LED) to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone, enhance firmness, and boost overall skin health.


    • Eco-Friendly Packaging: Our products are packaged in recyclable or biodegradable materials, reducing plastic waste and promoting a circular economy.
    • Minimalistic Design: Our LED face mask features a sleek and minimalistic design, reducing unnecessary material usage and promoting simplicity.
    • Carbon Neutral Operations: We offset the carbon emissions associated with the production and distribution of our LED face mask, striving for carbon neutrality.


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    Returns Policy

    • Returns Accepted 30 Days After Purchase
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    The colours and the benefits..

    1. Red Light:

    • Stimulates collagen production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
    • Improves blood circulation, promoting skin healing and rejuvenation.
    • Reduces inflammation and redness, ideal for sensitive or irritated skin.

    2. Blue Light:

    • Targets acne-causing bacteria, reducing breakouts and preventing future blemishes.
    • Balances oil production, minimising shine and controlling sebum levels.
    • Soothes and calms irritated skin, promoting a clear and healthy complexion.

    3. Yellow Light:

    • Increases skin elasticity, firming and tightening sagging areas.
    • Improves overall skin tone, reducing the appearance of hyper-pigmentation and discoloration.
    • Boosts lymphatic flow, detoxifying the skin and promoting a radiant glow.

    4. Green Light:

    • Balances skin's oil production, preventing clogged pores and breakouts.
    • Soothes and calms sensitive skin, reducing redness and irritation.
    • Improves skin texture, leaving it smooth, soft, and supple to the touch.

    5. Purple Light:

    • Targets acne-causing bacteria and reduces inflammation, clearing up existing breakouts.
    • Helps fade acne scars and hyperpigmentation, promoting a more even skin tone.
    • Enhances cell regeneration, promoting faster healing and renewal of the skin.

    6. Cyan Light:

    • Increases cell energy production, promoting faster cellular turnover and renewal.
    • Calms inflamed skin and reduces redness, making it ideal for sensitive or irritated skin types.
    • Improves overall skin texture, leaving it smooth, soft, and rejuvenated.

    Why we are so special!

    1. Innovative Technology: Our LED Facial Mask boasts cutting-edge technology for targeted skincare, ensuring a revolutionary and effective approach to your beauty routine.
    2. Personalised Solutions: Unlike generic products, our mask is designed to adapt to your unique skincare needs. Enjoy customisation light functions that address specific concerns, providing a tailored solution for radiant skin.
    3. Premium Comfort: Crafted with top-quality materials and an ergonomic design, our LED Facial Mask prioritises both effectiveness and comfort, delivering a luxurious skincare experience that stands out.